Setup Python on macOS

Setting up Python on macOS.

Install Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Download the installer file

In your web browser, navigate to

Click on the button ‘Mac’, making sure that it matches the version of your operating system.

Download Visual Studio Code for macOS

You may be redirected to another web page. However, the download should start automatically.

Unpack and install the application

In Finder, navigate to the downloaded file. This should be a ZIP archive.

Double-click on the downloaded ZIP file to extract its contents. This should be a file called ‘Visual Studio’.

Drag and drop the file ‘Visual Studio’ into your ‘Applications’ folder.

You may then delete the ZIP archive that you downloaded.

Install VSCode extensions

Launch VSCode.

Click on the ‘Extension’ tab on the left.

  • Search for the extension named ‘Python’ and install it.

Install the ‘Python’ extension.

  • Search for the extension named ‘Live Share Extension Pack’ and install it.

Install the ‘Live Share Extension Pack’ extension.

Install Anaconda navigator

In your web browser, navigate to

Run the installer

Double-click on the installer file that you just downloaded and progress through the screens of the installation program.

  • Accept all defaults.

Test your installation

  • In the Launchpad, find and launch ‘Anaconda-Navigator’.

If prompted about a new version of Anaconda Navigator available, click ‘Yes’ to update.