
Welcome to the MRC WIMM CCB cluster. This page provides guidance on the use of this documentation.

What this documentation is

This documentation describes the user-facing MRC WIMM CCB cluster infrastructure, how to connect to the CCB cluster, and best practices for using common software on the cluster.

This documentation focuses on introductory scenarios and simple use cases. For further reading, trusted sources of information are listed on the page Links to external resources which can be found in the main help section.

Who this documentation is for

This documentation is mainly intended for people with a CCB account. Find out more on the page Apply for an account.

How to use this documentation

This documentation is organised as a chronological progression through the typical setup of new users of the MRC WIMM CCB services.

We encourage readers to follow instructions in this documentation in the order presented.

Many parts of this documentation include screenshots for illustrative purposes. In those screenshots, user-specific directories and parameters are highlighted and blurred for privacy and to avoid confusion as much as possible. Furthermore, it is very likely that you notice slight differences between those screenshots and your own experience, especially with respect to new versions of software packages becoming available.

If you notice any significant difference between this documentation and your own experience, please Contact us to resolve the issue and update the documentation where necessary.

Go further

Experienced users and those revisiting this website to refresh their knowledge are welcome to use the navigation menu on the left to explore specific topics or use the various cheatsheets available.

An auto-completing search bar is also available at the top of the page to search the website by keywords.

Contact us

Refer to the Help section for ways to contact us.